Multiplicating disciples
Did You know, that the key to worldevangelism is not really reaching as much people as possible, but reaching one at a time and work on the quality of their following Jesus? Because Quality always comes before quantity!
Qualität vor Quantität – das ist der Weg wie in Wirklichkeit die Menschheit von Christen durchdrungen wird!

Taylormade Discipleship Training
ComeHearDo Ministries provides training tools for every level of christian maturity and can accompany You to be used by God more permanently with more ease!
Komme Höre Handle – ein Dienst für Dich, der dir mit Trainingsmöglichkeiten bei jedem Reife – Level als Nachfolger von Jesus Christus zur Seite steht. Ziel ist mit mehr Leichtigkeit mehr von Gott gebraucht zu werden.
Tools for Training
We train disciples in the following areas and help You in your Leadership:
Reflections and diary compass!
Diagnose of important areas in ministry!
Develloping prayer ministry!
Biblical fundational teachings that stand crossdenominational!
Coaching and training in ministry areas!
Motivational speeches to move from information to involvement!
In English and German!
Keys and expertise for your relationship with God!
Personality and gifting analysis!
Better public speaking!
Learning to flow with a translator!
Do´s and don´ts of crossdenominational ministring!
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