Tribute to Joseph Clayton Hedgecock
Tribute to Joseph Clayton Hedgecock
Joseph Hedgecock was born 1st of January 1942 and died in 2021 in His home in Oklahoma. He will be remembered by many as one of the most consistant and integere servants of Jesus Christ and teacher of truth.
His outstanding christian character and worldwide ministry over a time of almost 4 decades proofs the functionality and adabtability of his teachings concerning a growing loverelationship with Jesus Christ as literal, functional Lord, as he would term it!
Personally I was privileged to have known him since 1987 when he first ministered in my homechurch in Germany, that I attended as a young convert.
When studying his teachings, especially the book “My Sheep Hear My Voice” and “The manifested sons of God” I was convinced to pursue God to live out the presented biblical truths in these books.
After my Bibleschool training I met him on one of his travels and started to volounteer in the ministry he had started called “Servants of the Lord Ministries”.
Through travelling with Pastor Hedgecock to almost every western european country and translating him in german speaking areas I had first hand experiences under various situations even of pressures and difficulties, where he was able to access God in those situations and find taylormade instructions from God for solutions.
For about 15 years I served under him, later travelling to the ends of the earth ministering my testimony and relationship with God he trained me. I was also involved in bringing out his books in various languages besides German. Among them were the Nepali and Malagassy versions of “My Sheep Hear My Voice”.
Pastor Hedgecock leaves a rich legacy behind for generations of christians to come, having pioneered the area of how to consistantly being led by God through learning to abide in Christ, devellopping our communication with God and practicing loving obedience.
“Looking forward to meeting You there!”
In loving memory
Brother Roland
Minister of the Gospel